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heat quantity中文是什么意思

用"heat quantity"造句"heat quantity"怎么读"heat quantity" in a sentence


  • 热量


  • Heating quantity of constant capacity on high position
  • Heating quantity of bomb cylinder
  • The heat quantity given off from floor surface with different floor materials and different floor structure is calculated
  • The result showed : in different light environments anti different plants , transpiring water volume and absorbing heat quantity of leaf area was very different
  • Microbolometer , which is the key part of umbirfpa , is the unit absorbing the infrared radiation and changing it into heat quantity and electrical quantity
  • As an important part of metallic tps , the attachment must be strong enough to transfer mechanical load to the substructure and at the same time not much heat quantity
  • The fem equations of computing water temperature in cooling water pipe are deduced by the principle of water - body heat quantity equilibrium to resolve the problem of water pipe cooling in mass concrete
  • Describes the working principle , system constitution and effects of usage of the heat quantity method and temperature method , compares their application results , proving their consistency and the practicability of the latter
  • The article simply introduces the technoloy of rich oxygen applied in lime - pro ducing plant through anlysis of balance of heat quantity in lime kiln . while main taing relative stable quality of lime , the aim of saving energy and lowering con sumption has been gained
  • Abstract : it is proved that system heat quantity absorbing by reversible and irreversible process is not equal , so , the paper points out that merge formulas on mathematical expansion of the second law of thermodynamics are incorrect , and raises the proposition of correct expansion
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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